Luscious views from bridges on our way from Margaret River back to Cowaramup.

Short Trip Tip: Wadandi Track

One of the main reasons I love commuting by bicycle so much is that despite the fact my journey is basically a relatively boring return trip (going back and forth on the same stretch), I do actually have a reason to ride: get to work, get home! When I ride for pleasure, let’s say a short day trip, I usually prefer a round journey rather than simple return trips. Having said all this, exceptions prove the rule: Have you tried the Wadandi Track? It proves that the same stretch looks different each way!

If you’re exploring Western Australia’s South West (which you should, it’s absolutely gorgeous) this return journey is worth your while, because: forest, coffee, country towns.

While I’m not up for long rides at the moment and lately chose to be support crew rather than active rider, this track is easy and short and even I could do it. Here the highlights:

Start of the Wadani Track on Sunset Drive, Cowaramup.

We launched the 14 kilometre return trip in Cowaramup, which is worth stopping and having a look in its own right. There’s a few cafes and artisian shops to explore. Unfortunately the start of the ride was a little tricky to find. On the trail’s website it said the beginning would be next to the Fire Station, but googling ‘Fire Station in Cowaramup’ lead to nothing. As it turns out, it’s a volunteer fire station and it’s on the corner of Memorial Drive, Miamup Road and Sunset Drive. We had followed Sunset Drive until we found the beginning of the trail, which I photographed, but with the above info finding the trail start is easy.

From there onward this trail was pure joy: as the track follows a former rail line, think a slightly descending gravel path surrounded by lush green forests, occasional dog walkers and wonderfully shady ride.

Wonky (but sturdy) wood bridges along the way open views onto little creeks and rivers. Occasionally sleepers peep out from under the gravel and remind you that you’re following a railway line. A few road cross the path, but overall, this is perfect terrain to zone out and meditate your way to Margaret River.

While the words ‘country town’ and ‘trendy’ may sound like an oxymoron, Margaret River does actually IS a trendy country town. Plenty of cafes, sophisticated bars and restaurants line the town’s main street and make it hard to choose where to sit down for a refreshing coffee and meal. Wherever you chose, no doubt, you’ll be happy with what’s on offer.

Bridge crossing on the Wadandi Track near Margaret River.

The Wadandi Track continues further south beyond Margaret River all the way to Witchcliffe, a tiny ‘town’. If you’re keen to extend your ride for another 8 kilometres (and 8 back) the ride is beautiful and worth it. We’ve travelled through Witchcliffe a few times and I remember there was no spot for having a coffee (read: extreme disappointment) so I was happy to ‘only’ go to Margaret River.

If food/coffee isn’t as important to you (as it is to me) you may like to explore Witchcliffe’s Flying Wardrobe, a second hand/bric-abrac shop that has a cult following. Hands-down, I’ve never been able to leave this place without finding something that I really ‘needed’.

For today, this track was nice and we headed back to Cowaramup after lunch – the terrain was slightly ascending, but with a bit of tail wind and having had a beautiful meal this was completely doable without kicking up a sweat.


  1. Michelle Prior says:

    Hey Christina Thanks for the update. I’m keen to do this ride soon. Just a heads up there is a GREAT yummy coffee shop in Witchcliffe these days. It’s been open for at least six months. The bakery in ‘Witchy’ does delish gluten free baked goods as well. There is also an ebike shop run by a local guy who is a keen supporter of the Wadandi Track and is helping to get it extended further south. Its defo a great spot to go do and is less touristy than Margaret River, however that increases the attraction!

    • Christina says:

      Ohhhhh, excellent scoop, thank you Michelle! Great to hear there’s a coffee shop in Witchcliff…I love the second hand shop there so another great reason to keep riding past Margaret River! Can’t wait for the ride to get longer…yay ❤

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